Writing for Ocean Paddler magazine.

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shane on July 16, 2012


The Issue 32 is out and we feature in a 6 pages article about “How to make the Best of your GoPro”.

Little tips to make the best of it, how to mount the camera, why we started using a video camera, how we think it will change the face of the sport…

You can subscribe and get the paper version or just go online reading,

Visit Ocean Paddler and find out more

Here is the Intro to the Article.

I remember how a video changed my paddling path. I
can see clearly the sofa I was on when I first laid eyes
on Justine Curgenven’s first DVD This Is the Sea.
It was cool and exciting; they were paddling rough
water and showing it was possible. More than
anything else, there were shots taken from a camera
on the kayak with the paddler. That gave me the
feeling I was there too; I was paddling with them and
could feel the joy and energy of the action unfolding.
Years have passed and the power of images has
continued to fuel my desire. I now paddle tide races,
and I too have played with cameras.”




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